
Beauty news, tips and tricks from yours truly.

Summer Skin Care in Colorado’s Harsh Climate

I get so many beauties on my esthetics table that have just moved to Denver and have no idea how to deal with the havoc that’s wreaking on their skin. Colorado’s climate is ROUGH on our skin, bbs. And just because winter is (almost - looking at you, gray skies) behind us doesn’t mean we’re in the clear. And, unfortunately, your favorite beauty editor’s advice on swapping out your products to thinner, gel formulas doesn’t always apply. Read on to learn about how to protect your skin this summer.

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Sameera Ahmed
2018 Beauty Goals

I’m aware it’s almost February, making this list a little behind the curve. But is anyone else having a tough go at kicking the new year off right? Anyways, better late than never! Here are some beauty goals to help make 2018 our most beautiful yet.

  1. Drink more water. It’s the most boring tip and is on literally everyone’s list, but that’s because it’s SO important. When you’re even the slightest bit dehydrated, it shows in your eyes, skin, and in your mood!

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Sameera Ahmed